Nomination au DECC du Royaume-Uni

Nomination au DECC du Royaume-Uni


ALEX CHISHOLMEDM 11 05 016UK – Mercredi 11/05/2016 – Quotidienne Nomination – Alex Chisholm a été nommé hier mardi 10/05/2016, Secrétaire Permanent du ministère de l’Énergie et le changement climatique (Permanent Secretary for the Department of Energy and Climate Change) en remplacement de Stephen Lovegrove, nommé secrétaire Permanent au ministère de la Défense (Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence).

Ils bougent : La nomination a été faite par le Premier ministre en accord avec Sir Jeremy Heywood (secrétaire du cabinet du Premier ministre et chef de la fonction publique) et le secrétaire d’État à l’énergie et le changement climatique, Amber Rudd, qui avait pris le portefeuille le 11/05/2015.

Alex Chisholm prendra ses fonctions au DECC le lundi 4 Juillet.

Source :

Notes to Editors

Alex Chisholm has spent the last 9 years heading up high performance public agencies responsible for economic regulation and market development: the UK’s Competition & Markets Authority, and Ireland’s Commission for Communications Regulation. Previously he worked for 12 years in business, beginning in the strategy team at Pearson plc and then running a series of international businesses in the media, technology, ecommerce and retail sectors. His early career was spent in the Civil Service which he joined as a fast-streamer and then worked in a number of economic policy roles in the Department of Trade & Industry and the Office of Fair Trading.

Alex Chisholm has been appointed as the new Permanent Secretary for the Department of Energy and Climate Change. This follows the announcement that Stephen Lovegrove will move across to become Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence.

Alex, who is currently Chief Executive of the Competition and Markets Authority, was chosen following an open competition.

The appointment has been made by the Prime Minister in agreement with the Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, and the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Amber Rudd.

Alex will take up his post at DECC on Monday 4 July.

La rubrique nominations « Ils bougent » est réalisée par en partenariat avec Terragram.

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Nomination au DECC du Royaume-Uni

Nomination au DECC du Royaume-Uni


UK – Mercredi 11/05/2016 – Quotidienne Nomination – Alex Chisholm a été nommé hier mardi 10/05/2016, Secrétaire Permanent du ministère de l’Énergie et le changement climatique (Permanent Secretary for the Department of Energy and Climate Change) en remplacement de Stephen Lovegrove, nommé secrétaire Permanent au ministère de la Défense (Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence).


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