Espagne – Lundi 11/03/2019 – CALL FOR PAPERS Abstract “The sea and renewable energies: The contribution of the Naval and Maritime Engineering” Registration Deadline April 1st, 2019.

L’Espagne est un des importants acteurs des énergies renouvelables de la mer, avec des acteurs tels que Iberdrola, Gamesa – Gamesa-Siemens, Navatia, Saitec …. .


PAT18, est le groupe de travail « Energies Renouvelables d’Origine Marine » – ENERMAR, de l’Association des Ingénieurs Navals et Océaniques d’Espagne (AINE) qui organise tous les ans un colloque international tourné vers la R&D qui permet de mieux connaître les acteurs industriels, académiques… hispanophones

By June 19th & 20th, Ferrol, Galicia, Spain, will hold the 10th Annual Technical Sessions ENERMAR under the motto: “The sea and renewable energies: The contribution of the Naval and Maritime Engineering”

AINE, Spanish Association of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers’ working group “PAT18” is pleased to encourage companies, organisms and individuals keen on the topic to take part in these sessions as speakers in one of the proposed theme panels.

These technical panels will be made up of 15-minute speeches and a Q&A wrap-up about the following themes related to the Marine and Ocean Renewable Energies:

 Floating offshore wind.

 Bottom-fixed offshore wind.

 On-purpose ships and supporting vessels for the marine & ocean renewable energies.  Plants and manufacturing processes for renewable energy offshore units.

 Auxiliary Naval and Maritime Industry: Contribution to the final added value.

 Ports and Maritime Logistics & Operation.

 Innovative systems for marine renewable energies’ generation, storage or distribution.

Interested in presenting a paper should send the abstract according to the format of Annex 1 before April the 1st, 2019 to, stating “ENERMAR 2019” and the paper’s title in the subject

Due to the limited room for fitting all the candidacies into 2-day sessions, those authors not selected will be invited to present a poster in a dedicated space for the audience to review and comment with authors.

Draft Calendar:

 April 1st: Due date for reception of papers’ summaries
 April 24th: Selection of papers by the Technical Committee  May 4th: Final program’s closure
 June 10th: Due date for papers’ delivery
 June 19th & 20th: 10th ENERMAR Sessions est partenaire média de cette manifestation internationale pour la seconde année consécutive.

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