France – Friday 16/11/2018 – During a mini – ministerial CIMer – Comité Interministériel de la mer – the Prime Minister and Minister of French Minister of Ecology François de Rugy announced a public call for tenders for offshore wind farm near Dunkerque.



France has launched (15/11/2018) a tender for the development and operation of a wind farm offshore Dunkerque.

The tender was officially launched in Dunkerque by the French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and the French Minister of Ecology François de Rugy.

The wind farm will cover a 70km2 square area located some 10 kilometres offshore Dunkerque. The project will have a maximum capacity of 500MW.

The companies selected, either alone or in a consortium, include Vattenfall, Statoil, Iberdrola in consortium with RES, Elicio, a consortium of Engie and EDPR, InControl France, a consortium of Belgium’s Parkwind and France’s Valeco, Deme Concessions Wind, a consortium of EDF EN with Innogy and Enbridge, and the Canadian Boralex with CMI5i Pastor. The ten potential developers will now have four months to respond to the tender and the winner is expected to be announced by mid-2019. The final tender specifications have already been sent to the pre-selected candidates.

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