Etats-Unis – Vendredi 23/03/2018 – With funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, the University of Delaware and industry partners have developed a new method for constructing offshore wind farms that is cheaper and faster, which could facilitate the deployment of U.S. offshore wind energy at a large scale.



This method was developed in collobaration with Mammoet, SPT Offshore, Weeks Marine, Saipem by the University of Delaware and the US Department of Energy

Watch the video and pictures below:



Points de repère

14/03/2018 – – Une révolution d’ordre technique, économique … et politique. A l’heure où un vif débat s’installe en France sur un amendement à l’Article 34 déposé par le Gouvernement, le site donne la parole à Antoine Rabain, Directeur de la Division Conseil & Etudes Stratégiques du cabinet de conseil MPrime et Jill Galland, consultant énergie au sein de MPrime.

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